Craniosacral therapy means listening to your body
As a craniosacral therapist, I am an expert in body awareness, and can help you listen and respond to your body.
If we know what is in your body, I can advise you while treating it, causing your symptoms to trouble you less, and, ideally, disappear completely.
I have particularly extensive craniosacral therapy experience when it comes to treating chronic illnesses, such as
- Parkinson's,
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS),
- Back pain and headaches,
- Allergies,
- Burnout and
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHS).

Craniosacral therapy helps you handle complaints positively
Do you suffer from physical symptoms such as pain or illness? Do you feel stressed out in everyday life?
As a Craniosacral therapist, I can help you handle your symptoms positively, and assist you with concentrating on what you can do well despite your complaints and on what makes you happy.
I know from my own experience that this is not easy. But if you strive to handle your body in a positive way, you’ll be rewarded with a better quality of life.

How craniosacral therapy works
Craniosacral therapy starts with a brief discussion, where you describe the key aspects of your complaints to me.
I then use my hands to make first physical contact with your body, usually on the head or feet. Together, we work out what your body is telling us.
We talk continuously about what we can notice and feel. I help you increase your body awareness.
Relaxation is an important part of my craniosacral treatment. Breathe deeply, slow your body down, and float as if on a cloud.
Number of sessions
Four to five sessions are recommended for an initial craniosacral treatment. Give yourself this time to allow for changes.
We will then assess the success of the treatment together, and decide whether further sessions are necessary.
Practice hours
Tuesday to Friday:
9am to 12pm, 3pm to 8pm
Fabians Körpertherapie
Fabian Nüscheler
Physio- and Craniosacral therapist
Wangenstrasse 49
3018 Bern Bümpliz
Phone +41 79 374 71 60
Mail cranio@fabian-nuescheler.ch
Web www.fabian-nuescheler.ch